Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well as my first blog post said, I'm a mom and I thought I would post some pictures of my little munchkin. She's 2 and a half now and surprises us every day. This is about a month ago when we were getting ready to make some banana bread, which we need to do again. I have 6 bananas that are way past their prime and perfect for banana bread! We'll get to that in a little while.

Last weekend the family and I (munchkin, Big Munchkin and me) went to visit my mom and munchkin got to play with her very own bunny! Here is a picture of that. They are very cute together.

Time to go, little bit wants mommy snuggles. Take care and more to come!

1 comment:

Dana said...

OH Della, she's beautiful. I can't believe how fast they grow, can you? I also can't believe that was taken a month ago...there's NO SNOW! AHHHHHH! I haven't seen the ground (nor anything green) since October! I'm terribly jealous.